We just released Frame support in Converse and I just launched my first XMTP compatible Frame: ROCK 🪨, PAPER 📜, SCISSORS ✂!

You can try it on the latest version of Converse : https://converse.xyz/

And send a message with this link : https://xmtp-frame-rock-paper-scissors.vercel.app/

For devs out there, the process is pretty simple.

An XMTP Frame is the same as a Farcaster Frame, but the verification of trustedData is different (not verified by Farcaster hubs but verified using the XMTP Network) and the data you get back is different (on Farcaster you would get an FID, on XMTP a verified EVM wallet address).

All the rest is the same (clicked button index, post/post_redirect/link, images…)

Here is the code for this frame : https://github.com/Unshut-Labs/xmtp-frame-rock-paper-scissors

And here are some pointers for anyone interested in building one (or adapting an existing Farcaster frame):